Meet Our People – Debbie Westbrook

Throughout her time at Compass Group Australia, Debbie Westbrook has embraced every opportunity that has come her way over the last 12 years. Her passion, drive and dedication has led her on a career journey, from kitchen hand, administrator, bus driver, retail assistant and bar attendant, to where she is now, Site Manager at Phosphate Hill in Mt Isa.

Joining as an ESS kitchen hand at Groote Eylandt, Debbie was new to the workforce but eager to learn. After three years of service on the night shift, she challenged herself by applying for an Administration role to develop her skills and learn something new.

“Getting the admin position was exactly the challenge I wanted, to push myself more to learn and grow within Compass Group. I took every opportunity to learn, apply for courses and improve my skills and It’s great that Compass Group has programs and workshops in place to train team members as they progress in their career.”

“Over the last 12 years, there has always been positive and caring people I can reach out to for guidance – whether it’s my team, neighbouring sites, our Support Office or my own Managers, who took time to invest in our workforce’s development, a commitment that Compass Group still strives for today. Learning from my amazing managers has made me the leader I am today.”

Debbie Westbrook - Compass Group Australia

Fast forward to October 2022, Debbie now leads the Phosphate Hill team as Site Manager and proudly serves the community. 

“Every day brings a new challenge and a new opportunity – and I love that. It’s not always easy, but with guidance of my current Area Manager, Sarah de Ruyter, I know that I’ll be supported. 

At Compass Group, I feel part of a great team, empowered to ask for help and not made to feel less. Now that I manage a site of my own, I can give my team the same support to succeed in their careers as well.”

Read more about our People here


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