Driving Sustainability: How our Defence teams are reducing waste

Positive change for our planet begins with the choices we make today. As we work toward our commitment of achieving Climate Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions across Compass Group’s operations and value chain by 2050 — we’re excited to highlight the significant progress our Defence teams have made in reducing food waste and supporting environmental sustainability.

Through a collaborative effort with Defence Australia and Compass Group Australia, our Defence teams set out to minimise packaging use at their sites and explore opportunities for waste reduction and recovery. To achieve this, a crucial step was transitioning from portion-controlled products to bulk items, effectively cutting down waste and single-use plastics.

Switching to larger, bulk containers for products such as tomato sauce, coffee, and milk not only reduces landfill waste but also boosts recycling efforts. 

Defence - Sustainability

For instance, one bottle of tomato sauce replaces 66 sachets and a litre of milk replaces 67 milk portions. Over the past year, this switch has led to impressive reductions, including 1,296 kg of cardboard and 644 kg of paper packaging.

These ongoing improvements have had a substantial impact on the environment. In Queensland alone, the Defence teams have achieved:

  • A reduction of 184,207 kg in portion control packaging was saved from landfill
  • A decrease of 47,183 kg in CO2 emissions

This incredible achievement underscores our commitment to serve a better future by making meaningful changes today for a better tomorrow.

Read more about how Compass Group Australia is driving change by reducing waste here


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